General and Specific Stupidity

So, as you all (pretty much) know, I’m spending a year in Germany on an exchange fellowship from UGA. It’s administered by UGA’s Office for International Education, and every year numerous grad students travel abroad on these fellowships. I have a Credit Approval form signed by the Dean of the Graduate School, so that the courses I’m taking here in Germany count toward my degree requirements (5 hours fall, 5 hours spring).

I tell you all this now so that I can share with you the following email I received on Friday from the Graduate School: Continue reading

Level Up!

I’m tired of having birthdays. Birthdays mean getting older, and I don’t want to think about getting older.
Instead, in the tradition of the role-playing games I love, I achieve a “LEVEL UP”!!

LEVEL UP birthday card

I admit, I didn’t come up with the idea, but it’s damn cool anyway. Kevin is making me a GURPS-based character sheet (Level 41!) with all my stats and achievements. My favorite? “Summon Coffee”! When he finishes it, I’ll share it here.