It seems once school starts it takes me forever to update this site. Anyway… I’ve finished the thesis, and got approval to graduate, so as of December 17 I’ll be an MA! …and there was great rejoicing…
The grad college at BGSU asked if I was going to return to BG to walk for graduation. Hmmm… let’s see…. do I want to be in NW Ohio in the middle of December just to get a piece of paper they can mail to me? I don’t think so! I’ll walk for my PhD, but not the MA.
UGA is great! I’m taking classes in Theatre History (again, but with a more interesting professor), Film History,and “Interactive Media as Drama” – learning Macromedia Director – don’t think I could have done that at BG…. I’ll be working on directing a semi-professional production in conjunction with a class here and a playwright from Chicago in the spring… and possibly taking courses in AI as cognates for my degree… as well as doing independent research with some /really/ cool folks…. Life is good!
Athens is great, too. The town is filled with cool restaurants, bars, and shops… a true “college town” a little bigger than Johnson City but with a busy, hopping downtown. Just don’t venture there on football game days….
We got a dog… solid white German Shepherd, very unusual and really pretty… he’s about 10 weeks old now (born July 31) and going to be HUGE! If we don’t train him now, he’s going to run the household when he grows up!
I got an invite from Lisa for my niece and nephew’s birthday party… It’s hard to believe that Katelyn and Jackson are almost a year old. Boy time goes by so quickly… and I’m SO proud of my sister and Jon for all they’ve been through and all their hard work this past year. Wish I could go to the party, but I’ll have to send my regrets along with some cool “aunt” presents!
Well, that’s enough for today. Homework calls…